862t.01/40: Telegram

The Observer on the Rhineland High Commission ( Noyes ) to the Secretary of State

Following identical telegram sent to their Government by each High Commissioner today:

“British Army Command informs High Commission 5,000 Red troops took refuge in British zone yesterday evening. About 15,000 more expected cross British frontier today either by train or singly! They state they seek refuge in occupied territory from fear of massacre or execution without trial by Reichswehr. British authorities are disarming and interning refugees but their numbers make work of guarding and feeding for prolonged period impossible.

High Commission has approved action British authorities which conforms to procedure previously adopted towards Reichswehr refugees in British zone, see my telegram March 22.31

High Commission suggest Allied Governments should negotiate with German Government for repatriation to unoccupied Germany of refugees from the Ruhr with suitable guarantees. High Commission calls attention of Allied Governments to urgent need for decision in view of food situation. High Commission is inclined to permit workmen to return to Ruhr district should they so desire. In this case they would probably demand guarantees.”

  1. Not printed; see telegram no. 790 from the Ambassador in France, p. 298.