311.6124/17: Telegram

The Commissioner at Helsingfors (Haynes) to the Secretary of State

519. Departments telegram of January 8 [7], 6 p.m. Finnish Government consents to transfer on the following conditions.

The Government of the United States bear all transfer expenses and furnish food for three days.
Transfer will be made in closed wagons under Finnish military surveillance.
All intercourse between the deported and the population forbidden.
Deported not to leave ship before all is ready for direct journey from Hangö.
Arrangement for date of crossing Finnish-Russian frontier and effort to obtain Soviet promise that no shooting occurs during crossing will be requested of Esthonian authorities both by Finland and the United States since Esthonia is only country on speaking terms with Soviet.
A list of the deported with as accurate details as possible to be given Finnish Government.

The Finnish Government asks if the Government of the United States will consent for the Finnish Government to retain ten Bolsheviki within Finnish territory until Soviet fulfills agreement made through Danish Red Cross, May 13, 1919, to liberate Finnish subjects retained in St. Etienne, the Russians which were to be given in exchange having been already repatriated. Finnish Government says, at an earlier period, Danish Government consented to Finland retaining, this as security, some of the Russian Bolsheviki and trusts that America will grant like favor as a return service for [Page 696] readiness to allow transfer thru Finland. All expenses caused by retention of the ten Bolsheviki to be defrayed by Finnish Government. In the event the United States does not consent, Finland will nevertheless co-operate all possible.
