
The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Davis ) to the Secretary of State

No. 4134

Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 4. dated January 3, 7 p.m.,14 and to my despatch No. 4089 of January 19th, 1921, in regard to passport control exercised by the Russian and Japanese Governments on the Chinese Eastern and South Manchuria Railways, I now have the honor to transmit herewith copies, in triplicate, of a further Note No. F.256/70/10 dated January 27th, 1921, which I have received from the Foreign Office14a in this connection.

[Page 354]

The Foreign Office state that in consequence of renewed representations made by the American Minister at Peking, a statement has been made by the Japanese Minister that from February 1st, 1921, the passport regulations will be withdrawn for all foreigners in the zone of the South Manchurian Railway, exclusive of the Leased Territory, where passports will continue to be examined at the frontier stations. The Foreign Office add that a communication in this sense will shortly be addressed to the Diplomatic Body at Peking.

I have [etc.]

John W. Davis
  1. See footnote 5, p. 349.
  2. Not printed.