890g.6368 T 84/22

The Chargé in Great Britain (Wheeler) to the Secretary of State

No. 816

Sir: With reference to the claim of the Turkish Petroleum Company in Mesopotamia, I have the honor herewith to transmit a copy of a communication received from the Foreign Office, acknowledging the receipt of my note No. 287 of November 17, 1921, which went forward as enclosure to my despatch No. 749 of December 7th.

I have [etc.]

Post Wheeler

The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Curzon) to the American Ambassador (Harvey)

No. E 12708/576/93

Your Excellency: I have the honour to state that every effort is being made to expedite a reply to your note No. 287 of the 17th ultimo relative to the Turkish Petroleum Company.

[Page 94]

2. Your Excellency however will readily understand that the matter is one which requires most careful consideration from numerous aspects and by several departments of His Majesty’s Government before I shall be in a position to communicate with you further on the subject.

I have [etc.]

of Kedleston