893.113/416: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China ( Schurman )

15. Your despatch No. 1169, November 23, 1922.51

Further consideration of the formula as proposed in the Department’s telegram No. 262, November 11, 7 p.m.,52 reveals a possible construction obligating this Government to restrain the activities of American citizens or firms which it has no legal means of enforcing. It should accordingly be amended to read as follows:

“The representatives of . . . . . . . . agree that the construction of naval vessels, arsenals and dockyards for the account of the Chinese Government or of its administrative sub-divisions or local authorities, or the giving of technical naval assistance, shall not be undertaken by anyone of the said governments, nor shall these governments give any support or countenance to their respective nationals in respect to such activities pending the restoration of a unified government in China.”

The Department desires that the American Legation should present this formula to the Diplomatic Body. If this has already been done you will substitute the above amended version for that already presented, orally setting forth your reasons for the proposed change.

Telegraph when any discussions have taken place as contemplated in Department’s 270, November 22, 5 p.m.53
