
The Netherlands Chargé (De Beaufort) to the Secretary of State

No. 540

Sir: I have not failed to communicate to my Government the text of the memorandum containing a tentative draft of an arrangement [Page 765] between the Five Powers regarding the disposal of the Yap Cables formerly owned by the Netherland German Telegraph Company which memorandum was handed to me by the State Department in January last.10

Referring to paragraph three of this memorandum and acting upon instructions received from my Government, I have now the honor to inform the United States Government that the Netherland Government accepts the Yap–Menado Cable under the arrangement as set forth in the memorandum, copy of which is enclosed herewith.

Please accept [etc.]

W. de Beaufort
  1. Memorandum not printed; it consisted of the text of the draft of arrangement quoted in the Under Secretary’s memorandum of Mar. 25, 1922, supra.