
The Chargé in France (Marriner) to the Secretary of State

No. 2942

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 1323 of September 10, 1932, and the enclosures thereto with regard to the proposal of the British Government to grant a preference to Palestinian products. The Department’s response of August 27th, addressed to the British Chargé d’Affaires, was shown to a member of the Commercial Section at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. He thanked the Embassy for the information but stated that the French Government had taken a contrary stand.

The Embassy was shown a copy of the French response wherein it was briefly stated that the French Government had no objection to the proposed preferential treatment for Palestine.

The competent officer of the Ministry explained that the French [Page 35] point of view is logical in that while the Government has not yet accorded any special customs privileges to Syria, it may at some future date desire to do so. In fact, he added, the French authorities had insisted upon the insertion of a provision in the commercial treaty now under negotiation between the United States and France27 whereby the special privileges accorded to United States products would not extend to Syria. In conclusion, the officer volunteered the personal remark that the American response did not seem altogether consistent, since the United States has granted to Cuba preferences not greatly different from those objected to in the instance of Palestine.

Respectfully yours,

Theodore Marriner
  1. See pp. 195 ff.