
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War ( Hurley )

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that General Plutarco Elías Calles, former President of Mexico, and now Minister of War of that country, is, according to information received by this Department, leaving Boston today at noon, New York this afternoon, and St. Louis Friday afternoon, en route to Mexico via Laredo, where apparently he is due to pass at 2 a.m. Sunday next. General Calles is accompanied, among others, by his wife, who has been in this country under treatment for a serious illness, and by Dr. José Manuel Puig Cassauranc, Ambassador of Mexico to the United States.

In view of threats which have been made by the District Attorney of Webb County, Texas, who has announced his intention of serving a warrant on General Calles with respect to an incident which occurred in 1922 while General Calles was in Mexico City, this Department wishes to take every precaution to prevent any such action on the part of the District Attorney the results of which would be calamitous to the relations between this country and Mexico. The Department holds, without entering into the legal aspect of the matter, that General Calles, carrying a diplomatic passport recognized by the President of the United States is entitled, under international law, to the protection of this Government while traveling through the United States.

It would be very much appreciated if your Department would make discreetly and without publicity, the necessary arrangement for General Calles’ safety and freedom from molestation during the journey from San Antonio until after he crosses the Mexican border.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
James Grafton Rogers

Assistant Secretary