
The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Bingham ) to the Secretary of State

No. 1062

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 1046 of November 13, 1934, forwarding a preliminary report with various enclosures on the recent meeting in London of the Governing Body of the High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany.16 I now have the honor to forward herewith enclosed a final report on the proceedings of the Third Session of the Governing Body, together with certain enclosures16 as listed and explained in the body of the report. The actual Minutes of the meetings have not yet become available but will be forwarded to the Department as soon as authoritative copies can be procured. It is regretted that the enclosures to the attached report are in single copy only, as no others are at present available.

Commenting briefly on the recent session, it may be stated that the discussions at the private meetings all centered around the very evident anxiety of the countries bordering on Germany to get rid of the refugees now within their territories as soon as possible. The discussions were amicable although on occasion the French, in particular, and the Swiss delegates gave evidence of some resentment at the fact that their countries had been called upon to bear so large a part of the burden, and both appear to be sensitive to certain criticisms which they felt were implied in the report of the High Commissioner. The feeling of the French, the Swiss and the Chechoslovakian Governments in particular on this question is easily understood, as they have undoubtedly had to bear the main brunt of the forced departure from Germany of these unfortunate people and their presence has complicated the task of the authorities in caring for their own workless and destitute citizens. These three countries are the ones most vitally interested in an early solution of this problem.

Insofar as a personal opinion may be ventured, I do not see how any permanent solution of the German refugee question can be reached unless certain facilities are opened up in countries overseas for their settlement. It is greatly to be hoped that the efforts of the High Commissioner directed to this end on his forthcoming visit to the Argentine and Uruguay, and possibly other countries of South America, may be productive of useful results.

The attention of the Department is again invited to the fact that the formal recommendations17 and resolutions approved by the Governing [Page 318] Body, and attached to the enclosed report, have no binding effect whatever upon the Governments represented on that Body until and unless those Governments have indicated approval thereof in each case. It is to be presumed that the High Commissioner would be grateful for at least some expression of opinion from the Department on such of these recommendations and resolutions as the Department may find it expedient to act upon.

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:
Ray Atherton

Counselor of Embassy
  1. None printed.
  2. None printed.
  3. Infra.