
The Ambassador in Turkey ( Skinner ) to the Secretary of State

No. 412

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my No. 398 of October 16, 1934, enclosing a copy of a publication in the Official Journal in regard to contracts limited to countries having clearing agreements with Turkey, the effect of which was to exclude tenders from the United States. I have taken this matter up, since coming here, with the Minister for Foreign Affairs; with the Prime Minister, Ismet Pasha; and with Celal Bey, the Minister of National Economy. Each one assured me that there was no intention of discriminating against the United States, and that steps would be taken to correct the difficulty pointed out in my earlier despatch on this subject. I have been given every possible oral assurance that the United States would have the benefit of every advantage in the matter of Government contracts now or hereafter accorded to countries having clearing agreements with Turkey. Any further developments will be reported as they occur.

Respectfully yours,

Robert P. Skinner