838.51/2804: Telegram

The Minister in Haiti ( Armour ) to the Secretary of State

11. The President called for me this morning and told me that he was most anxious to begin exploring the possibilities of a refunding loan. He said that Blanchet has instructions to take up the matter with the President but asked me to stress the importance he attached to an early decision as to what course to pursue. He added that as soon as things seemed to be under way he would like to come up himself to the United States quite informally for a talk with the President as he felt that through such personal contacts with him and with the Secretary all existing difficulties could be ironed out. If a refunding loan proved possible and the withdrawal of financial control within sight then he felt that the occasion of his visit could be used to announce the opening of negotiations looking towards a treaty of amity and commerce. His reply to my question as to when he would wish to make such a visit was somewhat vague but I judge he would plan to leave in time to return to Haiti for the opening of the regular session of the Legislature, April 2nd.
