Representations by the Finnish Government in support of claims against the United States arising from the detention of Finnish ships in American harbors 9

9. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1934, vol. ii, pp. 147166.

[159] The Finnish Minister ( Järnefelt ) to the Secretary of State

411.60d Finnish Vessels/150.

[160] The Secretary of State to the Finnish Minister ( Järnefelt )

411.60d Finnish Vessels/153

[161] The Secretary of State to the Finnish Minister ( Järnefelt )

411.60d Finnish Vessels/157

[162] Memorandum by the Secretary of State

411.60d Finnish Vessels/158

[163] The Department of State to the Finnish Legation

411.60d Finnish Vessels/160

[164] The Finnish Minister ( Järnefelt ) to the Secretary of State

411.60d Finnish Vessels/162

[165] The Secretary of State to the Finnish Minister ( Järnefelt )

411.60d Finnish Vessels/163