
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley)

Conversation: The Minister of Finland, Mr. Eero Järnefelt;
The Secretary of the Finnish Legation, Dr. Sigurd von Numers;
Mr. Robert F. Kelley.

The Finnish Minister read a telegram which he had just received from the Foreign Office with regard to proposed Articles 6, 11, and 14.15 the termination provisions of which had not been accepted by the [Page 78] Finnish Government. The telegram stated that the Finnish Government is willing to accept the termination provisions contained in Articles 6 and 11 provided the United States consents to the omission of Article 14.

I told the Minister that I did not believe that we could agree to the omission of Article 14, but said that I would take the matter up at once with the competent officers in the Department.

Robert F. Kelley
  1. In the revised draft of March 24, 1936, articles VI, XI, and XIV had been renumbered VII, XIII, and XVI, respectively.