762.94/177: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan ( Grew ) to the Secretary of State

528. The news of the adherence of Italy to the Anti-Communist Pact is being enthusiastically received in Japan. Reports were carried by the papers yesterday in banner headlines, parades were held through decorated streets and the German and Italian flags along with the Japanese flags were placed over the gates of the Foreign Office.

2. The press without exception express approval. Editorials for the most part stress the ostensible purpose of the pact and the added vigor given to it by the adherence of Italy but the real reasons for Japanese satisfaction are also revealed as indicated by following excerpts:

Hochi: “It is not to be expected that the practical benefits of the new instrument will materialize at once but it is obvious that the intangible benefits of the German-Japanese Pact will be greatly enlarged. In connection with the present confirmed China-Japan stands surrounded by a group of unfriendly nations and it has been greatly inspired by the mere existence of the pact with Germany so that no words are necessary to indicate how greatly the adherence of Italy will contribute toward strengthening Japan’s international position”.16

Yomiuri: “From the general international situation the three powers have in common one characteristic. Japan and Germany have withdrawn from the League of Nations while Italy, though still nominally a League member since the Ethiopian affair, is no longer bound by the League; each of them is following objectives which lie in directions different to the objectives of countries revolving around the League. It cannot be denied that this common characteristic has promoted the conclusion of the Anti-Communist Pact and it may be anticipated [Page 614] that the conclusion of the Pact will also promote agreement among the three nations on a variety of questions”.

Nichi Nichi: (After argument that the democratic powers are using Soviet Russia to resist any change in the status quo.) “There is no doubt but that the close association of Japan, Germany and Italy raises the curtain on a new scene in international politics. The so-called Rome-Berlin Axis boldly challenges the fictitious peace maintained in Europe and the selfish policy of preserving the status quo pursued by the ‘have’ nations, as Germany and Italy believe that only by so doing can there be realized the right of every country to exist and to develop. Japan is in the same position as Germany and Italy. The three nations have common national tendencies and national aspirations. It is therefore a logical result that they should together pursue national policies designed to break down by national processes the statics quo and to create an order of real international justice”.

Repeated to Nanking.

  1. This sentence is apparently garbled.