711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/37a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Bullitt)

357. Your 1007, July 19, 8 p.m. My statement of July 16 is intended as a statement of principles in which this Government believes and which it advocates for application universally in international relations. It therefore applies in regard to situations in general and situations in particular, thereby including and being applicable to such situations as now exist in and with relation to Spain7 and in and with relation to China and Japan.8

One way in which any and all governments can contribute toward keeping alive and making effective these principles would be by affirming themselves in accord therewith. Some governments might even wish to add thereto or elaborate thereupon.

Within the statement itself there will be found principles which exclude certain types of action and other principles which call for affirmative methods of application.

I shall be glad to have you explain the matter to French authorities in the sense of the above.

  1. See pp. 215 ff.
  2. See vols. iv and v, pp. 1 ff.