
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

Mr. Welles: I called Francis White13 and informed him that I had been instructed to request the Council to be kind enough to advise the Department of its attitude with regard to the formula for settling the Colombian debt discussed in your office on Saturday, July 6th. I urged Mr. White to get in touch with the members of his Executive Committee as rapidly as possible, in view of the fact that the powers of the President of Colombia to settle the debt expire on July 20.

Mr. White stated that the matter was so important that he would require for presentation a written letter of what the offer comprised. Although I indicated that Mr. Traphagen knew as well as we did what the agreement arrived at was, I would see that he had a letter in his hands tomorrow morning.

I asked Mr. White how soon he felt that he would be able to convene his Committee. At first he said Tuesday, but later said he would endeavor to convene it on Monday,14 if he could.

I am having a letter prepared for your signature.15

Laurence Duggan
  1. President, Foreign Bondholders Protective Council.
  2. July 16.
  3. Not found in Department files.