865.85/410: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

231. Your 342, April 22, 3 p.m.13 At the April 22 meeting of the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, the [Page 197] proposed resolution on shipping contained in the Department’s circular of April 17, 7 p.m., received general approval except from the Delegates of Argentina, Colombia and Chile. Colombia and Argentina advanced suggestions directed at stressing the freedom of action of each individual country. They also proposed that points 1. and 2. in paragraph (b) of the resolution be inserted in the preamble. The Chilean Delegate was instructed by his Government to endeavor to obtain assurances as to the British attitude regarding the use of these ships before approving the resolution. This point has been discussed with the Chilean Ambassador, who is recommending to his Government that he be instructed to postpone consideration of this point until after the resolution is out of the way.

The resolution was submitted yesterday to a drafting subcommittee which introduced a number of changes of presentation and phraseology and also added certain helpful concepts of a nonfundamental nature. The revised resolution, which had the unanimous approval of the drafting subcommittee, including representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia, will be submitted to the full Committee on the morning of April 26 when it is hoped that it will be finally approved.

  1. Not printed.