811.20 Defense (M)/1734: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina ( Armour )

169. Within the next few days it is planned to grant general licenses for the exportation of certain products exported to Argentina. At the same time it is hoped that the Argentine Government will place tungsten on its list of materials for the export of which a license is required and also take appropriate measures to insure the United States’ obtaining at least 75% of the total tungsten production at a reasonable price and for a period of time. These details to be the subject of further negotiations. While it is not desired to make the liberalizing of our export control licensing contingent upon the Argentine Government’s acceding to our wishes in the matter of tungsten, it is hoped that the Argentine Government will willingly cooperate in the latter matter.

The foregoing information is being given to the Argentine Embassy here. You may likewise discuss the foregoing with the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs. Please telegraph any action the Argentine Government may take with regard to the control of tungsten exports.
