811.20 Defense (M)/1756: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

338. The matter dealt with in the enclosure to the Department’s instruction No. 775, April 779 and its telegram 169, April 12, 7 p.m., have been discussed informally with the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Central Bank. It is too soon to express an opinion regarding what the official attitude of the Argentine Government will [Page 363] be, but it is hoped that some specific suggestions will be forthcoming within the next day or two.

It may prove advisable to link up tungsten exports with one or more specific imports from the United States and the Embassy suggests that zinc and tinplate might be studied in this connection. If the Department is in a position to indicate tentatively what might be regarded as a reasonable price for tungsten concentrates at present for the purposes of these discussions, it would be helpful to have this information.

  1. Not printed.