811.20 Defense (M)/8111: Telegram

The Ambassador in Costa Rica (Scotten) to the Secretary of State

412. From Apodaga88 to Bicknell,89 Rubber Reserve Company. As feasible way of promptly concluding negotiations suggest compromise on Panama’s counterproposal. We might allocate from development fund provided in article VII an average of $15,000 annually to reimburse bank upon presentation of proper vouchers for expenses of warehousing, handling and delivery of rubber aboard ship for sale to Rubber Reserve at 33 cents f.o.b. steamer. Bank to handle all shipping details. This would meet their demand while literally retaining [Page 638] our uniform price. If suggestion meets your approval I can present it to bank next week. [Apodaca.]

  1. Presumably J. L. Apodaca, official of Rubber Reserve Company.
  2. John W. Bicknell, vice president, Rubber Reserve Company.