740.00113 European War 1939/938

President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: There has just come to my attention a BOC Airgram No. 60 of June 15, 1943, from the Combined Committee for French North and West African Civil Affairs, relative to “Property Changes under German Rule—Tunisia”.

The conditions described in this airgram are additional evidences of the extremes to which the Axis powers have gone to wreak their vengeance upon innocent inhabitants of occupied territories.

I should appreciate it if you would notify the representatives of the United States Government in North Africa that the conditions described in BOC Airgram 60 come within the accepted and announced policy stated by the United Nations last December not to recognize property transfers made by inhabitants of occupied territories under the duress of the Axis powers.66

Our representatives should also be instructed to notify the French authorities in North Africa that this Government looks with disfavor upon any attempt at foreclosure or collection of interest on mortgages incurred as a result of levies made by the Axis powers.

I should appreciate your keeping me informed of such actions as are taken by our representatives and of any changes in the situation that may occur.


Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1. For correspondence on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, pp. 72 ff.