740.0011 European War 1939/30493: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

4768. Your 5032, August 2, 9 p.m. Ambassador Standley has been instructed to hand Molotov the Aide-mémoire given in our 4636, August 1, 1 p.m., with the following added at end of first paragraph “We understand that the British Government has informed the Soviet Government of our joint ideas on the terms of surrender to be exacted from Italy.”

Please impress upon Mr. Eden and the Prime Minister the importance which we attach to reaching prior agreement concerning the communication to other governments of secret matters under discussion between us. As they know, we attach great importance to consultation with the Russians concerning matters of serious importance to all three governments. We fully realize the relationship of the British and Soviet Governments under the Anglo-Soviet Treaty. We feel, however, that for the British Government to approach the Soviet Government singly with regard to matters under discussion between the British and United States Governments may give the Russians the impression that the British Government is seeking the role of intermediary, an impression which in our opinion is not conducive to the close cooperation and confidence between the three Powers which the British and we equally desire.
