811.20 Defense (M) Portugal/619: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews) to the Secretary of State

840. For Department and Board of Economic Warfare from Riefler.8 In view of expiration of current wolfram agreement with Portugal on February 28, I have been discussing with Ministry of Economic Warfare tactics we should follow in negotiations for new agreement. Ministry of Economic Warfare has drafted a telegram to British Embassy Washington embodying the conclusions reached in the discussions. This telegram is being despatched with request that it be immediately discussed with you. I feel that, considering the history of past negotiations with the Portuguese, the proposals which will be put to you give us the best chance of securing favorable wolfram settlement and strengthening our general position in Portugal. [Riefler.]

  1. Winfield W. Riefler, Head of the Economic Warfare Division of the American Embassy at London.