
The Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in Spain 16

No. 208

Note Verbale

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States and with reference to its Note Verbale No. 767, dated March 19, is pleased to state that it will do everything it can with reference to the matters referred to therein, although it must make clear that the difficulties referred to are due largely to the fact that the propaganda of the Embassy is being distributed without being submitted to censorship as is required, for which reason this Ministry must recall to the Embassy the necessity of taking opportune measures to the end that all publications which are to be distributed are submitted to it previously, as a result of which not only will the incidents referred to in the Note mentioned be avoided, but also internal disturbance resulting from propaganda which, without any practical result, helps to create an atmosphere which gives to such propaganda an extension and a scope which, if it were true, would make necessary the adoption of measures which are usual in all countries in circumstances as delicate as the present.

A good example of that clandestine and prejudicial propaganda is the article in Selecciones of November 1942 in which instructions of a revolutionary type were given, and disseminated among elements inclined to rebellion, which might, at a given moment, cause great harm.

If those instructions are against Germany, and are intended for German-occupied countries, it should be of no interest to the United States that they be disseminated in Spain, which should be left tranquil and free from influences which only tend to disturb it.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in Spain in his despatch No. 809, April 15; received May 5.