811.20 Defense(M)Colombia/436: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

48. For Bicknell,31 Rubber Reserve, from Davis.32 Upon arrival conferred with Ambassador Lane, La Spina, Bahr33 and our attorney. After discussing the proposed form and content of notes to be exchanged and revised operating agreement which had been drawn up by La Spina and Bahr, these were referred to Ambassador Lane who made some revisions and submitted them informally to the Minister for Foreign Affairs with a statement that they were submitted ad referendum. The Ambassador conferred informally with President Lόpez and Dr. Turbay, Minister for Foreign Affairs, about rubber problems, and presented me to the President and Miguel Lόpez.34 I conferred at some length with latter. On January 9 Minister for Foreign Affairs Turbay called conference in his office. See Embassy’s telegram No. 44, January 9, 4 p.m.35 Colombians brought strong pressure for definite commitment relative to tire plant. They expressed hope that we could make our cooperation available within one year. Ambassador Lane after making statement relative to this matter requested me to state our Government’s position based on my recent conferences in Washington. I assured Colombian officials our Government [Page 19] is constantly keeping in mind its promise to cooperate and that it will promptly lend its assistance when international situation permits. I stated it would be very difficult to set time limit within which cooperation would be available. We did not make any statements that would indicate that we can change position previously taken about plant. Dr. Turbay left for Washington yesterday.36 Although not now acting as Minister for Foreign Affairs he may approach State Department about tire factory.

Ambassador Lane and La Spina are of the opinion that if we could now satisfy Colombian authorities relative to tire plant we could obtain more liberal operating agreements on strategic materials. I concur in this opinion, although aware that definite promise offers many difficulties. See Embassy’s telegram No. 45, January 9, 11 p.m.37

Copies of suggested notes and operating agreement forwarded to you by diplomatic pouch January 10.38 [Davis.]

  1. J. W. Bicknell, Vice President, Rubber Reserve Company.
  2. Roy T. Davis, representative of the Rubber Reserve Company.
  3. Albert F. La Spina and E. G. Bahr, Rubber Reserve Company representatives.
  4. Brother of President Alfonso Lόpez and President of the Caja de Crédito.
  5. Not printed.
  6. Temporarily succeeded by Alberto Gonzalez Fernández. On February 11, 1943, Francisco José Chaux took over the duties of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
  7. Not printed.
  8. See draft note covering strategic materials and proposed operating agreement, pp 15 and 16, respectively.