740.0011 European War 1939/33902: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland ( Harrison ) to the Secretary of State

2228. My 2204, April 8.64 I was able to see Mr. Bonna65 this afternoon and handed him letter addressed to Mr. Pilet-Golaz as directed your 1147 and 1176 with draft drawn by Daymont. Mr. Bonna expressed his sincere appreciation and assured me that he would not fail to inform Mr. Pilet-Golaz immediately upon his return which he expected would be in time for usual meeting of Federal Council tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. I also took occasion to say to Mr. Bonna that you planned no publicity. He thanked me and said he presumed that there would be no objection to eventual announcement here.

2. Mr. Bonna told [me?] the Federal Government had appointed an expert to determine damages in consultation with cantonal and city authorities and if I so desired he would be glad to arrange for a representative of Legation to follow the investigations. In his opinion criteria existed for determining material damage; it was more difficult to fix personal damages. I thanked Mr. Bonna for his offer and stated position as set forth last sentence, section II, your 1176.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Of the Swiss Federal Political Department.