890d.01/7–945: Telegram

No. 644
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom ( Winant ) to the Acting Secretary of State


6908. FonOff official today made following remarks about situation in Levant States:

French offer of handing over Troupes Spéciales has come too late to be of any benefit to French. Had this been done earlier French probably would have been able to arrange a quid pro quo, but Syrians look on French offer as only partial reparation for recent damage done to Damascus. Fact that method of transfer of Troupes Spéciales must be worked out in 45 days is “useful” (providing there are no further serious disturbances) for such delays may permit an easing of situation, particularly with regard to de Gaulle. Latter, as time for French elections draws near, may well become more conciliatory.

Regarding withdrawal of Brit and French troops from the Levant States, Ostrorog suggested that this might be possible but said that he did not have authority definitely to open the matter. Such action could be taken only by some sort of conference, and the longer this was put off the better, for the same reasons as mentioned above regarding de Gaulle.

FonOff believes that Ostrorog’s arrival in Levant States with offers may have been due particularly to fact that French got cold feet over their previously made suggestion that Russia be invited to a conference on middle eastern matters. (Sent Dept; rptd Paris 448).

Syrian populace remains in a dangerous mood, as evidenced by recent incident at Latakia. Furthermore, Lebanese are becoming restive because of influx of large numbers of troops from Syria.

Support of the French by Palestinian Jewish press seems most ill advised from the Jewish point of view as it only can result in further cementing of feeling of Arab world against Jews.

Eden returns to work tomorrow and has sent word that no policy decisions regarding Levant States shall be taken until he himself has studied the question.
