740.00119 Potsdam/8–745: Telegram

No. 1407
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

4771. The following is translation of note dated August 7 handed me by Bidault this evening (my 4769, August 71).

Mr. Ambassador: By a letter dated August l,2 you were so kind as to transmit to me, in the name of your Government, the text of an [Page 1552] “arrangement relative to the western frontiers of Poland” agreed to (intervenu) at Potsdam by the American, British and Soviet Governments.

The French Government has no objections of principle to the taking in charge by the Polish administration of territories situated east of the indicated line, nor to the installation of the Soviet administration in a part of east Prussia.

It believes, however, that the problem of the frontiers of Germany forms a whole and is not susceptible of solution (ne saurait recevoir de solution) until it has been examined jointly by all the interested powers.
