J. C. S. Files

United States Delegation Memorandum1

top secret

Meeting of Heads of Governments, 25 July 1945

The information herein regarding the meeting of the Heads of Governments held at Cecilienhof at 1100, 25 July 1945 was furnished by the Secretary General of the U. S. Delegation.2
The Heads of Governments acted on the items of the agenda as follows:
Polish Western Frontier.
Deferred until next meeting.
Disposition of German Fleet and Merchant Marine.
Deferred until papers have been prepared by U. S. and British representatives.
German Reparations.
Not considered.
Transfer of German Populations from Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Referred to Council of Foreign Ministers3 for examination and report.
Free and Unrestricted Navigation of International Inland Waterways (Enclosure).4
This paper which had been introduced by the U. S. representatives was referred to the Council of Foreign Ministers.
The Council of Foreign Ministers appointed sub-committees to study items d and e above, which had been referred to them, and a sub-committee to work on the Protocol of the Conference and on communiqués relative to the Conference.
The next meeting of the Heads of Governments is scheduled for Friday, 27 July 1945 at 1700.5
  1. Authorship not indicated.
  2. Charles W. Yost.
  3. i. e., the three Foreign Ministers at the Conference, not the Council of Foreign Ministers established by the Conference.
  4. Document No. 755, post, is the paper enclosed, but see ante, p. 387, footnote 12.
  5. i. e., 5 p.m.