860D.48/7–3045: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative in Finland (Hamilton)

136. It is Dept’s understanding which, in view of imminent resumption diplomatic relations with Finland,63 you are requested to confirm that you are of opinion urtel 405 July 3064 that American relief agency should now be authorized by President’s War Relief Control Board to solicit and collect contributions for war relief purposes in Finland and that AEC should be authorized organize relief activities there.65 Board developing program which would amend registration of American Friends Service Committee to permit them to undertake initial program through distribution facilities of Suomen Huolto.66

  1. Diplomatic relations were reestablished August 31, 1945. For documentation concerning this matter, see pp. 624 ff.
  2. Not printed.
  3. In telegram 480, August 24, 1945, from Helsinki, the Chargé expressed the opinion that relief activities should be authorized immediately (860D.48/8–2445).
  4. The American Friends Service Committee shortly began operating a relief program primarily for children in northern Finland, and the American Red Cross set up a program under which about $1,500,000 worth of supplies and clothing were shipped to Finland.