740.0011 EW/2–1745

The Department of State to the French Embassy


In response to the aide-mémoire left with the Acting Secretary of State by the Ambassador of the Provisional Government of the French Republic,26 on February 17, 1945 asking for certain clarifications with regard to the decisions arrived at in Yalta by the Heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the following information is given:

Referring to question 1, normal diplomatic channels will be used in general. The representatives of the four governments will consult with each other and make recommendations to their respective governments as to action which should be taken. When the diplomatic representatives consider the situation requires it, the governments will be expected then to instruct their diplomatic representatives, who will then concert together as to the steps which should be taken. If in the opinion of the governments such circumstances should make it advisable, a special commission may be appointed to take care of a particular case. This commission shall cease to function after the special circumstances which required its creation have terminated.

Question 2: The proposed meetings of the Foreign Ministers were not considered as connected with the liberated areas matter, nor as part of the system of consultation for the liberated areas problems, as dealt with in the Yalta communiqué.

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Question 3: This question has been answered in the response to question 1 above. There might be a special ad hoc commission set up for a particular case, but in general the reporting and instructions will be through diplomatic channels.

Question 4: The provision for the Tripartite Commission, established in Moscow for dealing with the Polish situation, was an entirely separate proposal agreed to before the adoption of the formula for dealing in general with the liberated areas problems. This commission is to be considered as separate and apart from the other arrangements for the liberated areas.

Question 5: The nature and scope of the powers which the assisting governments will assume are to be found in the Declaration of Yalta. No agreements other than those expressed in the language of the Declaration were entered into in response to these matters. In dealing with cases which come under this procedure, the four governments concerned will act in concert and after consulation.

Question 6: The actions of the governments dealing with the liberated areas problems as provided for in the Yalta Declaration are entirely distinct from the functions of the International Organization proposed at Dumbarton Oaks. In dealing with the matter of the liberated areas, the governments will act in the field of promoting the development of democratic and free expression of the will of the people in their national affairs, whereas the International Organization under the Dumbarton Oaks proposals deals with questions of international peace and security.

  1. Henri Bonnet.