710 Conference W And PW/1–545: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina

The Department refers to its circular telegram of December 22.2 You are requested to address a memorandum in the following general [Page 2] terms to the Foreign Minister of the country to which you are accredited. You are authorized to make such alterations in the text as may appear advisable in the light of any communications exchanged between you and the Foreign Minister, particularly with regard to references.

“In connection with the consultations which have been taking place with regard to a possible conference of American republics which are participating in the war effort, the Government of the United States has completed a preliminary study of the question of a suggested agenda.

The Government of the United States feels that the urgent problems confronting the American republics at the present stage of the war fall into three major groups, each involving the adjustment and extension of the cooperative relationship and activities of the American republics.

The Government of the United States accordingly proposes the following agenda for such a conference:

Further Cooperative Measures for the Prosecution of the War to Complete Victory.
Consideration of Problems of International Organization for Peace and Security.
World Organization.
The Further Development of the Inter-American System, and its Relation to World Organization.
Consideration of the Economic and Social Problems of the Americas.
War and Transitional Economic Cooperation.
Consideration of Methods of Further Cooperation for the Improvement of Economic and Social Conditions of the Peoples of the Americas with the End of Raising Their General Standard of Living.
Other Matters of General and Immediate Concern to the Participating Governments.

In drawing up this possible agenda, the Government of the United States has sought to make it sufficiently broad to cover with desirable brevity all topics which might appropriately be discussed at the conference.

The Government of the United States believes that an exchange of views between the American republics regarding the topics to be considered at the conference will advance the preparation of the final agenda when the site of the conference has been agreed upon.”

In presenting this note you should make it clear that the proposed agenda was drawn up on the basis of suggestions received from the various other American Republics. In this connection you are authorized in your discretion to indicate how any views expressed by the government of the country to which you are accredited with regard to the agenda would fit into the proposed agenda.

You are authorized, particularly in the event that the Foreign Minister raises the question, to inform him orally that the fourth general [Page 3] point in the proposed agenda is intended to cover an informal discussion of the Argentine request for the convocation of a meeting of foreign ministers3 as well as such other general topics as may properly be brought before the conference.

Repeated to Buenos Aires for information only.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Request addressed to the Chairman of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union on October 27, 1944; for text see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. vii, p. 31.