740.00112A E.W./10–1845: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Reference is made to the circular airgram of September 2850 concerning the reduction or withdrawal of the Proclaimed List. This [Page 347] matter has been given careful consideration by the Interdepartmental Proclaimed List Committee which has decided that the most feasible course to pursue is a continuation of our efforts to arrive at an agreed hard core with the British in London so that the present formula can be adhered to, namely, reduction to a hard core in November and withdrawal of the List one year after V–E Day. Accordingly, the Committee is not proposing to the British the plan described in the first paragraph of the circular of September 28. In view of this decision it is exceedingly important that any outstanding instructions concerning the selection of a hard core list be answered immediately.

The Committee has requested several missions to submit the names of any inconsequential Japanese for deletion at the time of the reduction to a hard core. If such names have not been submitted to the Department in response to a previous request they should be submitted as soon as possible.

  1. Post, p. 671.