740.21112A/7–2745: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Wiley) to the Secretary of State

1000. My 987, July 26, 6 p.m.52 I had opportunity discuss German matters fully with President López and Foreign Minister Lleras Camargo last evening. I frankly told both that while I deeply appreciated good will shown by Colombian Government respect replacing German interests, delay in expropriation, recent injunction against A M Schering Co. in municipality of Bogotá, and finally fantastic decision respect Von Bauer,53 would seem to align Colombia [Page 868] with Argentina and I expressed most earnest hopes that effective action would be taken soon. President López was shocked by decision of Council of State re Von Bauer of which I believe he had no previous knowledge. Lleras stated emphatically that Von Bauer would not receive a Colombian passport and promised that next month before leaving office he would initiate a new action [to] revoke Von Bauer’s citizenship; he would base this on document signed by Von Bauer, subject my 859, June 22 [24].55

On general subject of expropriation of Spearhead and other Axis firms (my 902, July 7, 8 p.m.) both López and Lleras expressed confidence that manner in which new budget bill is drafted will force expropriation. (It includes an item of 14,000,000 pesos to indemnify Colombia for express [expense?] and losses in connection Colombian belligerency and Minister of Hacienda recently told me though there would be strong opposition in Congress to expropriations, this money Gould not readily be raised except by expropriation so he was sure bill would pass.)

I am moderately-sanguine that I can work things out here and I would suggest that for present there be no pressure on Colombia from Dept.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Peter Paul Von Bauer, associated with Scadta and Avianca. Reference apparently is to the annulment of the cancellation of his Colombian citizenship.
  3. Not printed.