560.AL/6–1647: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consulate at Geneva


602. Personal for Wilcox from Clayton. 1. There is no new program of aid to Europe, (urtel 509, June 16, 1947). If any such program develops, it will come only after showing by principal European nations why aid already extended has had such meager results and what they can do to help themselves, what steps will most quickly produce results, and how soon they can get back on their own feet with a minimum of help from us. Accordingly, nothing for us to present to ECE. Initiative must be taken by European nations. If they wish work through ECE, that is all right with us, but this should not be exclusive.1

Any new program which may result from above would be a temporary and emergency program to assist Europe to help itself get back on its own feet, whereas tariff and ITO negotiations at Geneva are intended to produce results of a permanent character in putting the world back on the road to economic peace.

2. Have not seen full text Cripps’ speech, but have read summary his speech June eleven (not June six as you state), cabled from London,2 and must say see no inconsistency between it and Bevin’s speech. Cripps is certainly right in saying that neither tariff negotiations nor ITO could result in additional half billion dollars monthly imports into United States in time to take care present European dollar shortage. Inference that aid program makes results Geneva negotiations unimportant entirely unjustified. It makes such negotiations more important than ever because without sound permanent program of reciprocal multilateral trade, no temporary emergency program could possibly have any permanent worthwhile results.

3. I am hoping to leave here Thursday or Friday, stopping in London. Please keep entirely confidential. However, do not mind your saying I expect arrive Geneva latter part of next week. In spite of failures up until now, hope to have some favorable news for you before leaving. [Clayton.]

  1. For documentation regarding the genesis of a European recovery program, see Vol. iii, pp. 249 ff.
  2. Telegram 3241 from London, June 12, not printed.