IO Files: US/A/479

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Theodore C. Achilles of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers


Mr. Pearson was worried over the effect on Canada of India’s efforts to get a seat on the Security Council. He stated that Canada had been anxious to avoid any intercommonswealth contest for the seat and some weeks ago had been assured by Bajpai1 that India had no interest in the Security Council. It now appeared that the Indian Government had left the question to Mrs. Pandit’s decision, and that she was all out for a seat.

He expressed confidence that the Western European states would vote for Canada, and the Arabs for India. He inquired as to the Latin American attitude. After consulting Ambassador Dawson, I later advised him that Aranha expected the Latin American states to vote almost solidly for Canada. Pearson said he would also have a word with Aranha.

He expressed reluctance to see Czechoslovakia forced on the Security Council and felt that the Ukraine would be the lesser of the two evils.

Canada would vote for Argentina.

Pearson also commented that the Russians seemed to be very much on the defensive and anxious to resume the offensive but that they were having difficulty in finding means of doing so.

  1. Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai, Secretary General, Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.