
The Secretary of War ( Patterson ) to the Secretary of State


Memorandum for the Department of State

Attention: Mr. Carlos Hall, Division of North and West Coast Affairs

Reference is made to State Department correspondence of 5 March 1947,27 requesting the following information regarding the Galápagos Base:
Total cost to the War Department of installations and equipment;
Book value of remaining installations and equipment;
Estimated surplus value of installations and equipment now at Galápagos.
The total cost to the War Department of the installations and equipment on the Galápagos Base, as of this date is $10,021,006.01. Additionally, there is an AWS station in the Galápagos, but not on the base itself, which cost $834,641.79. Both installations are still active and their book value is carried as the cost value. Estimated surplus value can only be determined by on the spot sale evaluation, which the Foreign Liquidation Commission advises probably could be provided by their Panama representative upon request, such evaluation being properly a function of that agency.
For the Secretary of War:
J. E. Bastion, Jr.

Colonel, GSC
  1. Not printed.