833.34/5–1747: Telegram

The Chargé in Uruguay ( Sparks ) to the Secretary of State


217. Depgam 103, May 7.7 Informally explored Uruguayan Navy requirements with Inspector General Uruguay Navy8 but without revealing plans of US Navy to offer four ships for sale as surplus property at low price.

Uruguay wall probably wish to acquire aircraft rescue vessel, motor launch and picketboat but retain subchaser only until replaced by destroyer. Inspector General claims subchaser does not meet Uruguay’s requirements. He referred to two Paraguayan gunboats now lying off Carmelo declaring Uruguay has no unit strong enough to control them. He insisted on destroyer to permit naval and not merely maritime training.

President Berreta and Uruguayan Navy are obsessed with necessity of having destroyers (see my letters Ellis Briggs April 8 and May 79). Financing of its purchase is partly based on credit which will accrue to Uruguayan Navy appropriation authorizations when subchaser returned. President May 14 again raised question of destroyer and I again outlined to him and later to Inspector General legal obstacles [Page 1047] to our transferring title at this time. Both understand our position but President stressed Uruguay must have destroyer promptly to bolster Navy morale and prestige.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Rear Adm. Juan Angel Battione.
  3. Neither printed.