
The Department of State to the Embassy of the Soviet Union


The Government of the United States desires to propose to the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that it agree to the early consideration, jointly with the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and Italy of the negotiation of a Protocol to the Treaty of Peace with Italy to provide for the return of the Free Territory of Trieste to Italian sovereignty.1

It will be recalled that the Government of the United States has consistently maintained that the entire area of the Free Territory is ethnically and historically Italian territory and that this Government agreed to its separation from Italy only on the condition that it should be truly independent and that the human rights of the people be fully protected and guaranteed against all possibility of suppression or infringement. This condition is now apparently impossible of achievement and therefore this Government has concluded that the rights and interests of the overwhelmingly Italian population of the [Page 518] area can be assured only through the return of the Free Territory to Italian sovereignty.

The Government of the United States has decided upon this proposal in view of the proven unworkability of the provisions of the Treaty of Peace with Italy establishing the Free Territory. It is the considered opinion of this Government that certain elements of the population have succeeded in establishing conditions which make inoperative the guarantees of true independence for the Territory and the protection of the basic rights of the people as envisaged in the Permanent Statute of the Free Territory. The successful establishment of a Free Territory was recognized from the first as being entirely dependent upon the fullest cooperation and good will of all concerned. However, from the first hours of the history of the area as a Free Territory it became all too apparent that certain elements were intent upon preventing the establishing of a truly independent Free Territory of Trieste. Subsequent events have further proven that the most fundamental human rights have been denied and a totalitarian system has been established in the Zone of the Territory placed under the temporary administrative responsibility of the Commander of the Yugoslav forces in the Free Territory of Trieste. These developments have convinced the Government of the United States that the settlement envisaged in the Treaty of Peace with Italy cannot successfully guarantee freedom for the people of the area or true independence for the Free Territory of Trieste.

The Government of the United States, after consultation with the Governments of the United Kingdom and France, has therefore decided to recommend the return of the Free Territory of Trieste to Italian sovereignty as the best solution to meet the democratic aspirations of the people and make possible the reestablishment of peace and stability in the area. It is hoped that the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will concur in this view and agree to the immediate negotiation of a protocol to the Treaty of Peace with Italy to effect this solution of the problem.

It is proposed that such arrangements as may be agreed to by the Powers concerned should be submitted to the Security Council for its approval in view of the special responsibilities assumed by the Council in connection with the Free Territory of Trieste.

A similar communication is being addressed to the Government of Italy.2

  1. A copy of this memorandum was delivered to the Embassy of Yugoslavia at approximately the same time, under cover of a memorandum of transmittal, not printed (860S.00/3–2048).
  2. For text see Department of State Bulletin, April 4, 1948, p. 453. In telegram 1250 of March 20, not printed, Dunn reported having supplied the Italian Foreign Office with a copy of the note delivered to the Italian Embassy in Washington, and a copy of three-power communiqué as well.