865.014/2–1848: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for the Former Italian Colonies of the Council of Foreign Ministers ( Gallman )


600. Colit 57. Following is line Dept taking in reply press inquiries re Soviet note to Italian Govt supporting Italian trusteeship for former Italian Colonies (Itcol 108):1

[Page 899]

“According Joint Declaration Feb 10, 1947 by Govts USSR, UK, US and France concerning Italian territorial possessions in Africa, which comprises Annex XI of Italian Peace Treaty, Four Powers agreed jointly determine final disposal Italian Colonies within one year coming into force of Treaty. It was agreed final disposal territories would be made in light wishes and welfare inhabitants and interests peace and security, taking into consideration views other interested govts. Also agreed commissions investigation would be sent colonies in order supply Deputies with necessary data on question and ascertain views local population. Four-Power Commission of Investigation now in former Italian Colonies to implement this provision of joint declaration. Commission has completed its tour Eritrea and now completing its work in Italian Somaliland preparatory visiting Libya.

“In view this agreed-upon procedure, US Govt considers it would be improper for it to make final decision as to position which it will take on disposal these territories until after it has had opportunity study reports Commission on wishes inhabitants and hear views other interested govts.”

It is suggested you take similar line in reply inquiries. [No decision yet taken re possible additional statement suggested Rome’s 707 Feb 17.]2

Sent London as 600; rptd Rome as 477; Paris as 551; Moscow as 216; Cairo as 206; and Nairobi for Utter as 27 (Ficus 13).

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed. Brackets appear in the source text.