710.J/3–3048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

Delbog 5. Daily Report No. 1. Preliminary meeting heads delegations 11:00 a. m. elected Colombian Foreign Minister1 conference president, US and others seconding Mexican nomination; appointed credentials committee including US; determined order precedence with US sixth; and agreed on following committee structure:

  • Committee 1—Organic pact except part three
  • Committee 2—Part three organic pact and specialized organizations
  • Committee 3—Pacific settlement and collective defense
  • Committee 4—Economic matters
  • Committee 5—Social matters including statutes commission women
  • Committee 6—Juridical-political matters

2. The following new proposals approved for submission to conference; Mexican resolution regarding establishment institute of investigation and development as autonomous specialized organization to carry out Chapter Two of draft economic agreement; Mexican resolution on investigation economic conditions of working women; US [Page 24] resolutions on cultural cooperation, social services and travel; Bolivian resolutions on elimination of passports, equal treatment of workers, reduction of frontier barriers, and desirability of Bolivian–Amazon railway; Dominican proposal regarding adherence ICJ.

3. Marshall2 raised question as to whether present agenda permits discussion problems foreign-inspired subversive activities directed against institutions and peace and security of American Republics stating he was told that this was subject of considerable concern to countries represented. Meeting voted affirmative answer.

4. Inaugural session this p. m. opened by President Ospina Perez3 who stressed need economic cooperation and suggested possible adoption basic human rights as “contractual obligation.”

Chairman Brazilian delegation Neves da Fontoura referred to two conflicting political conceptions in world, and urged democracies safeguard Christian civilization. Suggested creation international court for protection individual liberties. Stressed economic cooperation for industrialization. Urged partial relinquishment individual initiative to state in economic sphere and gradual transfer federal principle of government from national to universal plane.

  1. Laureano Gόmez.
  2. Secretary of State George C. Marshall, Chairman, United States Delegation.
  3. Mariano Ospina Perez, President of Colombia.