710.J/4–1348: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulac) to the Acting Secretary of State

Delbog 60. Daily Summary No. 12. Heads delegation met today under chairmanship Zuleta Angel, new Colombian Foreign Minister, with Lleras Camargo.1 Present meeting unanimously accepted report of committee of Ambassadors that conditions appear to be approaching normal and that necessary guarantees and adequate facilities for continuation conference are available decided by acclamation that conference continue immediately here. Marshall stated relief and pleasure at decision and offered fullest cooperation expedite work.2

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Temporary conference headquarters will be school gymnasium3 near US Embassy residence although Zuleta announced Capitolio would probably be ready tomorrow 10 a. m. to resolve following problem regarding Organic Pact: (1) political powers governing board, (2) relation defense council to PAU (3) financing PAU (4) definition and name IA system. General agreement that problem colonies recognition, preservation democracy and human rights be initially considered Steering Committee and that Economic Committee also meet tomorrow.

  1. Alberto Lleras Camargo, Secretary General, Pan American Union.
  2. The Acting Secretary of State informed Secretary Marshall in Telmar No. 55, April 13, 5 p. m., not printed, that the unanimous feeling in Washington was that the continuation of the Conference was of greatest importance (710.J/4–1348).
  3. Unsigned marginal note: “Probably the Gimnasio Moderno, Bogotá’s best secondary school.”