800.00 Summaries/5–649: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1

top secret

Topsec infotel. We have approved plan of action proposed by Amb Jacobs in Praha on detention two US soldiers by Czech auths on espionage charges.2 Jacobs will make representations to Czech FonMin Clementis (infotel May 2, 4 a. m.3) and Clay will then inform chief of Czech mission Berlin that unless two soldiers are released promptly he will find it necessary revoke permission for Czech consular and other officials to remain in US zone of Germany. He may possibly hint that further and more drastic steps are under consideration. After allowing week for action to be taken Clay will ask Czech officials to depart from our zone Germany. Then press will be given entire story. We have agreed with Amb Jacobs that until that week has passed there should be no publicity since we want to avoid face-saving situation which would make it well nigh impossible for Czech auths to release two soldiers gracefully.

  1. This telegram was sent to the Embassies in London, Moscow, and Paris.
  2. The plan of action under reference here was based on considerations and recommendations presented by Ambassador Jacobs in his telegram 518, April 9, from Praha, p. 393. The plan was developed during lengthy consultations between the Department of State, Department of the Army, the Embassy in Praha, and military and diplomatic authorities in Germany. Execution of the plan was delayed pending analysis of a note of April 20 from the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy in Praha. The lengthy note, which purported to describe the alleged espionage activities of Hill and Jones, was accompanied by photostatic copies of the handwritten confessions of the two soldiers. American authorities in Praha, Washington, and Germany agreed that the whole case against the two soldiers was a clumsy fabrication by the Czechoslovak security police who had used various interrogation methods to extort controlled confessions.
  3. The circular telegram under reference, not printed, summarized instructions sent to Ambassador Jacobs in Praha. Jacobs was to address a short communication to the Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry rejecting the allegations contained in its note of April 20 (see the previous footnote) and to refute them orally. The Ambassador further was to state that General Clay might be obliged to take certain measures unless the problem of Hill and Jones was satisfactorily resolved (800.00 Summaries/5–249). Jacobs met with Foreign Minister Clementis and Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister Hajdů on May 9 and presented an aide-mémoire rebutting the allegations of the Czechoslovak note of April 20. In his report on the meeting (telegram 701, May 9, from Praha, not printed), Jacobs felt that Clementis and Hajdů had indicated that a favorable solution to the case might soon be reached (740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–949).