IO Files: US/A/C.1/2170

United States Delegation Working Paper


Alternative Substitute for Soviet “Peace” Declaration

The General Assembly

Recalling the adoption by the Fourth General Assembly of its resolution 290 (IV) entitled “Essentials of Peace”,

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Noting that certain members of the United Nations have failed to carry out this resolution and, in particular, have refused to participate in the constructive work of the United Nations and of the Specialized Agencies,

Believing that aggression is the chief crime against humanity,

Noting that aggression has been committed against the Republic of Korea, contrary to the obligations of the Charter and the recommendations of the General Assembly in the “Essentials of Peace” resolution,

Condemns those responsible for the aggression against the Republic of Korea,

Regrets that certain members have openly supported and espoused such aggression,

Reaffirms its “Essentials of Peace” resolution, and calls upon all Members to carry it out.