663.001/2–1450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Austria 1


287. Gen Keyes2 submitted detailed comments ur 252 Feb 14. Summary fols.

“Steps taken strengthen Aust sovereign control shld not be at expense of US. Great care must be taken not to jeopardize our interests. Sovs will accept no changes which are not to their advantage. Any action on our part shld not endanger present function of quadripartite controls. All Austs are not convinced that Treaty especially in present form is desirable.

US strategic and Aust interests wld not be served by immediate termination occupation. US troops shld not be withdrawn until adequate force is in existence to preserve internal security. Withdrawal prior to strengthening Gendarmerie and creation army3 wld leave Aust exposed to organized Communist groups both within Aust and receiving support from outside. Aust Govt in these circumstances cld [Page 374] be overthrown by small organized minority guided and supported by Sovs and satellites. Fate of Czech cld be repeated.

Reduction of present Brit and Fr token forces wld have no beneficial effect on Aust economy. US troops shld not be reduced below minimum necessary to discharge assigned missions and provide security. Reduction US forces wld have adverse effect under pay-as-you-go policy. Sovs wld not accept proposal for abolition zonal boundaries as it wld permit Western Allies to penetrate Eastern zone. Not likely Sovs will agree to free movement of goods and persons. Zonal boundaries in West have no meaning.

Only changes or eliminations of functions of AC acceptable to Sovs wld be those strengthening their position at expense Western powers. No results have been obtained from previous efforts in this regard. Consequently, impossible to alter basic pattern of occupation. Existing quadripartite AC mechanism shld be maintained. US has terminated all possible controls in zone.

US has always sought renunciation of occupation costs by Brit and Fr.

Unilateral controls exercised in US zone limited to those connected with US security. US local Commanders confer with Aust officials but do not issue instrus at that level. Existence mili govt courts necessary to exercise jurisdiction over non-mili US occupation personnel and dependents as well as Austs and others. If courts abolished it will be necessary to substitute a Military Commission or allow US occupation personnel to be tried in Aust courts. Latter cannot be permitted under existing JCS directives.

Appointment of civilian High Commissioner cannot take place as long as quadripartite action in AC continues and Sovs maintain mili High Commissioner. In past Sov High Commissioner has reserved right to take action in zone as Commander in Chief when out-voted in AC. Civilian High Commissioner wld not have this possibility and wld be in disadvantageous position.

Possible for Aust Govt to increase size of police and Gendarmerie but such action avoided because of probable Sov reaction. Austs will probably increase security force only after Treaty initialled. Removal of troops from Aust to Ger and establishment single command not recommended. Any action to send troops back to Aust wld be overt aggressive act by US. Power of requisition has not been exercised for three years. Occupation troops now occupy former Aust and Ger barracks and are not located in centers of population.”

Dept wld appreciate ur comments on foregoing. Full text fols by air pouch.4

  1. Repeated to London as 770 and to Paris as 706.
  2. Lt. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes, United States High Commissioner and Commanding General U.S. Air Force in Austria, was in the United States for consultations with the Department of the Army.
  3. For documentation on United States interest in the formation of an Austrian Army and the arming of the Gendarmerie, see pp. 473 ff.
  4. A copy of the full text of Keyes’ comments is in file 663.001/2–1650.