663.001/1–2450: Telegram

The United States Delegation for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers to the Secretary of State


388. Delau 410. British Deputy as chairman opened 249th meeting Austrian deputies by inquiring what should be deputies future course of work in view negative Soviet reply given by Gromyko to Western démarche of January 18.1 Soviet deputy merely replied that he had [Page 442] nothing to add re Article 48 bis to what Gromyko had stated to three ambassadors and to Austrian political representative and proposed that deputies continue discussion of Articles 16, 27, and 35 bis which he maintained were open to consideration because they were not related to Vienna talks.

Western deputies took Soviets to task for blocking conclusion of treaty by making its conclusion dependent on Article 48 bis and by making Article 48 bis dependent on Vienna negotiations which were beyond jurisdiction of deputies. Western deputies reported their readiness to deal with all outstanding issues when Soviets indicate readiness to do likewise.

British deputy stated readiness, however, to hear any new proposals Soviets might have re Articles 16 and 27. Soviet deputy replied that he had no other proposal re deputies future work and that Soviet positions on Article 16 and other articles were already well known by all, and cursorily denied Soviet responsibility for blocking treaty conclusion by again observing that Articles 16 and 27 unrelated to Article 48 bis and that Western support of Article 35 bis constitutes an effort as regards war booty to revise Paris CFM agreement.2

Soviet deputy immediately accepted British suggestion to meet next on February 15 or sooner if Soviet deputy indicates status of Vienna talks so permits. US deputy accepted adjournment stating at would give ample time—if in fact any time is needed—for conclusion of talks so that all other issues can be settled on basis of previous Soviet assurances. French deputy concurred.

Sent Department 388, repeated Paris 116, Moscow 131, Vienna 27.

  1. The United States Delegation minutes of the 249th meeting are in CFM Files, Lot M–88, Box 117, USDel Mins.
  2. For the text of the communiqué of the sixth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, dated June 20, 1949, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. iii, p. 1062.