663.001/3–150: Telegram

The United States Delegation for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers to the Secretary of State

secret   priority

1157. Delau 438. At 251st meeting Austrian Deputies,1 US Deputy asked Soviet Deputy whether solution of Article 48 bis now possible and whether Articles 27, 42 and 48 could now be resolved on basis past Soviet assurances, and recalled assurances previously given by Western Deputies that they would be prepared discuss Article 16 when conclusion of entire treaty possible.

Soviet Deputy noted that US Deputy in recapitulating unagreed articles had failed mention Article 35 bis, stated he had nothing new to say regarding Article 48 bis, repeated “it would be difficult for Soviet Delegation to change its position” on Articles 42 and 48 until “the questions regarding Article 48 bis have been settled”, and repeated his previous procedural proposal that Deputies discuss Articles 16, 27, and 35 bis.

Western Deputies recalled previous assurances they would delete Article 35 bis as soon as all economic articles were agreed in order show this article constitutes no obstacle conclusion of treaty, but in view Soviet preoccupation with Western position and as further evidence of their desire to make progress Western Deputies agreed to immediate and unconditional withdrawal of article.

Remainder discussion of unagreed articles repeated pattern of recent meeting. Soviet Deputy endeavored show treaty held up not only by Soviet position on Articles 48 bis, 42 and 48 but also by Western Deputies refusal discuss Article 16 and 27 which he held to be unrelated to Article 48 bis. US and British Deputies argued Soviet position on Articles 42 and 48 as well as on 27 removed these provisions from possibility of useful discussion until Article 48 bis settled and that they were prepared to discuss Article 16 as part of a complete settlement of all unagreed provisions. French Deputy repeated previous view that it would be useless discuss Articles 16 and 27 until Soviet Deputy prepared discuss all unagreed provisions and thereby make possible conclusion of treaty.

US Deputy proposed Soviet Deputy and Austrian Government be requested submit at next meeting reports regarding status of Vienna talks if these not concluded by that time. French and British Deputies agreed. Soviet Deputy also needed consult Austrians and stated he would be prepared at next meeting as at present meeting to indicate [Page 450] status of talks but that he could give no assurance when they would be concluded. Soviet Deputy maintained Soviet experts are still examining Austrian proposals of December 5.

Since Soviet Deputy insisted experts’ task was complicated and required time, Western Deputies suggested next meeting be held April 26 as this should give experts ample time to finish work, which in their opinion has already been unduly delayed. Western Deputies also agreed meeting could be held earlier if Vienna negotiations concluded prior to that time. British Deputy proposed useful work could be done in interval on drafting already agreed articles. Soviet Deputy rejected British proposal, and first expressed readiness to meet any time but then said because date of April 26 would mean two-month recess he could “give only conditional consent” and would have to consult his government, his reply to be made as soon as possible through Secretary General.

Sent Department 1157; repeated Vienna 61, Paris 324, Moscow 74.

  1. At the 250th meeting of the Deputies on February 15, Zarubin had stated that he had nothing new to report on the progress of the Vienna talks. Telegram 890 (Delau 431), February 15, from London, not printed (663.001/2–1550). The United States Delegation minutes of this meeting are in CFM Files, Lot M–88, Box 117, USDel Mins.