Editorial Note

The Franco-Saar negotiations, begun February 6 at Paris, were concluded on March 3 with the signature of a series of agreements by Foreign Minister Schuman and Premier Hoffmann. The texts of the agreements are printed in translation in Documents on the Saar (Frankfort, Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, September 1, 1951), pages 227–294; French texts and translations of the general convention and of conventions on mines, railroads, and economic union, were transmitted as enclosures to despatch 436, March 5, from Paris, not printed (762A.002/3–550); and French texts of the general, mines, and economic union conventions are also printed in Beate Ruhm von Oppen, ed., Documents on Germany Under Occupation, 1945–1954 (London, Oxford University Press, 1955), pages 469–482.