775.00/12–650: Telegram

The Ambassador in Ethiopia (Merrell) to the Secretary of State


122. Emperor declared national holiday yesterday to celebrate UN decision on Eritrea. Populace genuinely happy about decision. Emperor gave huge luncheon “on occasion of UN decision to restore Eritrea to Ethiopia”, during which steady stream of women (Eritrean, according to Prime Minister at whose table I sat) approached Majesties and kissed their feet.

When I congratulated Emperor’s private secretary and said what a fine thing decision was, he replied, “yes, and it is all due to you”, naturally meaning my country.

When I congratulated Emperor, he requested with obvious emotion that I convey his deepest thanks to my government for all its assistance. Acting Minister Foreign Affairs and Minister of Commerce also expressed their warmest appreciation and made it clear that in their opinion credit for solution was mainly due US.
