ODA Files, Lot 60 D 512

Discussion Brief for Bilateral Talks on Colonial Policy To Be Held at London and Paris (Agenda Item IV (b) 10)


Item IV (b), 10—Questions Relating to South Pacific Commission (For U.K. talks only)

I. Problem: To determine the position on matters pertaining to South Pacific Commission.

II. Recommended United States Position:

A. U.S. is gratified that Commission has been established on what we believe to be sound, workable basis and that its comprehensive Work Program is now showing very real promise of producing results which will fully justify efforts being made.

B. U.S. wishes express its appreciation to U.K. for:

Its active support in Commission and cooperation from British Pacific Territories, particularly Government of Fiji, in substantive work of Commission;
Helpful attitude of His Majesty’s Government in Fiji which contributed greatly to successful outcome of First South Pacific Conference of Native Peoples; and
Its making available the new Secretary-General-Elect, Sir Leslie Brian Freeston.

C. U.S. believes application of principle of regional cooperation to economic and social problems of South Pacific area is eminently sound and economical and believes Commission can be strengthened by:

Continuation of high degree of cooperation and confidence already developed among Commissioners;
Continued development of regional approach to problems through territorial representatives at South Pacific Conference and by meetings of experts in Research Council and at technical meetings;
Consultations for development of technical assistance programs to promote development and welfare in area;
Strengthening of relations on informal basis (we see no need to formalize these unnecessarily) relations with UN and specialized agencies whenever cooperation of these organizations can be helpful; and
Encouraging more active interest and support by other Governments in work of Commission.